What is a set-out survey?

What is a set-out survey?

A set-out survey is an engineering survey that involves the transfer of a design onto a site by locating and marking the points of exact locations for a proposed structure on a site before any construction commences (often referred to as a stake-out or construction set out survey). A skilled set-out surveyor is also essential in ensuring your building does not infringe on any legal boundaries so construction can go ahead according to the planned design.


When is a set-out survey required?

A set-out survey is required for development projects before any type of construction can begin.


How much will a set-out survey cost?

The cost of a set-out survey depends on the architectural designs and engineering plans and can vary from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand. Working with the right set-out surveyor who will ensure a precise approach from the beginning will save significant time and money.


How long will the set-out survey take?

At Set-Out Survey Melbourne, we usually complete all our residential projects within 5 to 7 working days.







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